- Your customers rely on you to supply them with high quality prints, quickly and consistently.
- You enjoy working with designers and print buyers to provide creative, cost effective solutions for their 2 and 3-dimensional media projects.
- You pay more attention to the construction of the corrugated counter displays than you do to the merchandise being sold in it. Packaging fascinates you. Everything from design, construction and printing.
- You sleep soundly at night having the peace of mind that comes from having a trusted source for wholesale prints.
- You get excited when you see creative signage, the shapes, substrates used, and printing are all appealing to you.
- Investing in real estate, expensive equipment, employees and training is not your dream. Working in a low-overhead, creative environment is what you enjoy.
- When you see a custom standee you stand by it, not to take a selfie, but because you are examining what substrate was used and looking at the print quality.
- Your customers call you “their hero” because you come through for them every time.
- Having new materials and processes to show clients on a regular basis makes you a welcome visitor when you make sales calls.
- When you see SEG signage you look to make sure it is taught and not drooping or sagging.
- When you see floor graphics you impulsively (gently) scuff your foot on them testing to see if they are slip resistant and how well they were installed.
- At exhibits you study the displays and then the temporary signage. You ask yourself why they chose wall plaques, or cut vinyl, or clear clings with white ink, etc.
If you find yourself doing three or more of the above and wondering, “Who did their printing?” Chances are you are a print reseller. If you do any of the above and you are often acting as a liaison between a company and a wholesale printer, then you are 100 percent a print broker/reseller.
If you are looking for a wholesale print provider to supply top-notch graphics (suitable for your most discerning customers), stocking hundreds of print media and specialty substrates, a variety of print methods including dye-sublimation for fabric and rigid boards, all with competitive pricing, then congratulations, you found SignCenter.
SignCenter is your one stop wholesale provider for everything from banners to kitted retail seasonal displays. Becoming a reseller with SignCenter is painless– simply fill out a reseller application and once approved, you will have access to 24,000 sq. ft. of print technology and capabilities.
About the Author:
SignCenter is a trusted wholesale printing source for materials that are beyond the day-to-day capabilities of many businesses in the printing and sign trade. SignCenter supplies top quality digital graphics and signs at wholesale prices.